Monday, 27 May 2013

Country Of Origin

New Country/Place of origin

Original Country/Place of origin

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Final Environment + Monument Thumbnails

Final Images of Environment + Monument

Final Images of Environment + Monument

Image One: Depicting the front of the building, highlighting the shadows cast within and without the monument and the textured transparent glass.
Image Two: Showing an overall view of the monument and surroundings.
Image Three: Side view of the monuent showing the textured patterns emphasises by the lighting and shadows.
Image Four: Day shot showing the monument,  textures, natural and artifical shadows being cast.

Image Five: Day View of Monument

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Final Concepts

Final Concepts

Luis Barrigan
  • adumbrate & Sciagraphy

"Sciagraphy projection is created my simplistic adumbration delineation shadows as they fall on the environment they are encompassed in."

Farshid Moussavi
  • stratous & curvilinear

"Ordered stratification by parallel layers can also in cooperate curvilinear organisation."

Electroliquid Aggregation:

“Sciagraphy projection through ordered stratification and simplistic adumbration can delineate straight or curvilinear shadows as they fall on the environment they are encompassed in.”


Choose a architectural concept that was created, developed or challenged by each of the two Architects chosen by your tutor. Create an architecture that monumentalises those two concepts as well as the Architects who created, developed or challenged them. The monuments will exist in a landscape that you create to both locate and separate them. The space between the monuments on the landform is a place for students of Architecture, Architectural Computing and Engineering with Architecture to meet and exchange ideas. The landform should allow these students to arrive at their meetings in a distinctive and significant way.


A range of concepts for each architects work...

Luis Barrigan
  • light manipulation
  • combination of natural and man made environments
  • vertically dominant
  • colouration
  • adumbrate
  • angular

Fashid Moussavi
  •  prominent
  • distinctive
  • epinastic
  • reflective
  • curvilinear
  • diacritic
  • stratous


Below are the two chosen architects and some of their work for expeiment two.